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Our Liquidity

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JustProfitBroker™ uses cutting-edge solutions and technologies, and our liquidity aggregator is Equinix

  • Integral arrow
  • Currenex arrow
  • Hotspot arrow

Thanks to the Equinix aggregator,
we can offer our clients the

Thanks to the Equinix aggregator,
we can offer our clients the best market prices, backed by Tier1 bank liquidity and ECN systems

Our servers are located in the Equinix data center in New York, ensuring high speed and reliable order processing.

Each trade is routed to liquidity providers on the interbank foreign exchange market.

  • STP arrow
    Straight-Through Processing
  • NDD arrow
    Non Dealing Desk

The process of executing trades is fully automated using STP/NDD technology

scheme scheme
bank Banks
statistic HNW Traders
user Brokers
user Purpose of Investment

Company Income

Our income from servicing clients is generated through markup and/or commission

Company Interests

This model completely eliminates the conflict of financial interests between the company and the client, as we earn exclusively on client trading turnover.


Top up your account
in a convenient way

  • master card
  • visa
  • wire transfer
  • bitcoin
  • etherium
  • t
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